Shalom Friedman Siyum Shas Bavli (20-Nov-2017)

Finally! (It took me almost a month, because i kept getting distracted; sorry.)

Here are photos and a 30 minute video from Shalom Friedman’s Siyum of Shas Bavli – Mazal Tov!

I zipped the photos and the video separately; the full-resolution photos can be downloaded in a (76 MB) ZIP file; and a good-resolution video can be downloaded in a (356 MB) ZIP file. (There is a higher resolution file 2.4 GB, and I could render a 1080p version if someone really wants.)

The lower-resolution video can be previewed here:


and lower-resolution photos can be previewed below.  (Better yet, click on any image to bring up a Lightbox view; then click/arrow-key right/left, to scroll through all of the images in the lightbox.):

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