Leba Friedman Bas Mitzvah (14-Mar-2020)

About six weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending the Bas Mitzvah reception for my niece, Leba Friedman. And of course, I couldn’t resist collecting a few photos.


Also, as a special bonus, I was able to record most of the boys’ song; a higher resolution video can be downloaded here Leba Bas Mitzvah song, or a lower-res video can be viewed below.




The full resolution photos can be downloaded in this single ZIP file.


And low-resolution photos are in the Gallery below:


5 thoughts on “Leba Friedman Bas Mitzvah (14-Mar-2020)

  1. Yitzy,
    Bravo!! Wonderful photos. So sorry I couldn’t be there, but these help me to feel as if I were at the simcha. Many thanks, Savta Friedman

  2. Mazel tov Leba!!! May Hakadosh Boruch Hu shower you with brachos of ruchniyus and gashmiyus עד בלי די. And may you grow up to be a beautiful bas Yisroel who will give nachas to your chashuve family, to klall Yisroel, and most of all, to Hakadosh Boruch Hu

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